Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Rosary in the Stars

Ever since I was a young child, I have been fascinated by the night sky.  I would often go outside and lie on my back, staring up in wonder at the heavens above.  My father bought me a telescope, and I'll never forget my first close-up view of the moon.  My mother bought me a wonderful little book about the constellations called The Stars by H.A. Ray, author of the still-delightful Curious George books.  (I still have the book, and even my new-millennium children enjoy it.) 

I relished the challenge of learning to map out the night sky, fascinated that our ancient ancestors saw the same stars and used them to mark the seasons.  I checked out stacks of mythology books from the library, eager to know the stories about the various characters immortalized in the heavens. 

I had no idea that the stars could also tell the story of Salvation History until just recently.  During Advent last year, I bought a DVD called Star of Bethlehem to watch with my family on Christmas Eve.  Narrator Frederick Larson blew me away with his theory of the Christmas star. 

One line in the film about the constellation Virgo gave me an idea, and I ran to get my handy-dandy Seasonal Star Chart.  I was thunderstruck to see that the constellation Virgo (Mary, Ever-Virgin) rises just before the constellation Serpens (the Serpent), which also happens to be directly under the starry feet of Virgo.  How beautiful that Genesis 3:15 is written in the stars:  "...She shall crush thy (serpent's) head and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."  This also brings to mind Genesis 1:14:  "Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years."  Stars can be signs, always pointing to the awesome power and glory of God.

Now for the Rosary tie-in:  I have always enjoyed the Rosary Workshop's excellent website, especially their very thorough History of the Rosary page.  I only recently came across their selection of gorgeous birthstone Rosaries, and the truly awe-inspiring story of how Salvation History is written in the stars.  If you're looking for a gift idea for Confirmation, Mothers' Day, etc., one of the Rosary Workshop guild's beautiful hand-made Rosaries would be an excellent choice.  (No, they aren't paying me...)

Here's another "sign" in the stars:  The "Crown of Thorns" Galaxy  If you know of others, please post a link in the Comments section.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How wonderful this story is. We are all feeling the same maybe towards the beautiful starry Sky at night.
I just wonder if this fascination also exists in other's hearts specially those who know nothing but destroy all the beautiful belongings of the mother nature.