Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Feast Day St. Joseph!

I haven't been writing much during Lent, but I couldn't let this day go by without at least a short post.

Today is the feast of one of my favorite saints, St. Joseph.  As I posted earlier, every Wednesday, I pray what a friend dubbed "9-1-1 Prayers to St. Joseph," and they have brought many blessings to my family. 

St. Joseph recently answered a fervent prayer through his intercession in a very big way, so I felt compelled to buy a new statue in his honor.  When I brought this up to my non-Catholic husband, he remarked that he's  not a huge fan of saint statues.  I asked if maybe a painting would be a better idea, and he agreed he would be in favor of that.  I've been searching high and low for a painting that would appeal to my family and have come up rather empty-handed.  I am not a fan of the "ancient old man" representation of St. Joseph so often found in art these days nor do I like the rather saccharine images of a younger St. Joseph I've found in Catholic bookstores.

I finally came across the image above of St. Joseph and a teenage (?) Jesus on Facebook and found it very compelling.  The scene somehow reminds me of my own husband and teenage son working together.  Unfortunately, I can't find out the name of the painting or the artist despite searching all over the internet.  If anyone knows, please email me at  

FYI, I recently posted a column at entitled The Weighted Vest: Improve Your Fitness, Posture, Bone Health …and Spiritual Life! in case you're interested.